A mid-week break from home working or chores; get out and meet like-minded people, all are welcome, we're here to talk.
Supported by Bucks Mind and the NHS we are happy to take referrals from organisations like AGE UK and local GP's who are looking to help reduce social isolation.
The Walled Garden, Chorley Road,
West Wycombe,
Bucks, HP143AP
Wednesday 9:30-11:30am
A 9:30am start with occasional guests from local businesses or agencies such as Bucks Mind or the NHS in attendance. No formal presentations they just come for a coffee, bring flyers and table hop.
Bring your special vehicle out if the weather is good otherwise the come in your daily driver.
Usually wraps up around 11:30.
This is a one time registration to put you on our 'Coffee & Conrods' list, no need to re-register if you've attended a prior event.
This form signs you up to the Hellfire Motor Vehicle Club and adds you to the mailing list about the coffee morning and other events.
You can skip the registration and just come along on the day if you prefer.
Vehicle access marked with the club flag by the gate in the wall on Chorley Rd.
Low vehicles may ground when exiting so use the public car park. Two hours free parking when entering your registration in the cafe screen.
Purchase refreshments at the cafe, this is a no cash venue so we'll help if you only have cash.
Copyright © 2023 Men With Machines CIC - All Rights Reserved.
Hellfire Motor Vehicle Club, Coffee & Conrods, Haddenham Classics and Association of Motor Vehicle Event Organisers (AMVEO) are trading names of
Men with Machines CIC a not-for-profit registered with the Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies. Number: 14990616.
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